Canarian vitamin D and its benefits

The sun of the Canary Islands is a source of energy and provides the levels of vitamin D that you need

The presence of sunshine for over 3000 hours a year, coupled with scant rainfall, are two of the characteristics that define the climate of the Canary Islands, considered one of the best in the world. The sun - a protagonist throughout the entire year on the islands - is a source of health and energy, as it helps us absorb the amount of vitamin D our body needs.


This is one of the main reasons why many Europeans choose the Canary Islands as a place to spend longer periods of time in winter. While the winters on the old continent are cold, with very few hours of sunshine, on the Canarian archipelago you can enjoy long, sunny days, allowing you to spend time outdoors and charge up with energy in warm, pleasant temperatures.


Vitamin D fulfils different functions in the human body, most notably the absorption of calcium, a mineral that is essential for both the development and the growth of our bones, and for keeping them strong. It also fulfils a protective function, against certain types of illnesses.


The geography of the Canary Islands offers numerous options for sunbathing and loading up with vitamin D, adapted to suit all the tastes and preferences visitors may have:


Beaches. The archipelago has seemingly endless empty beaches, secluded tiny coves, others that are easy to access and with the full range of services, some with white sand, others with black sand or pebbles. The over 500 beaches on the Canary Islands can be enjoyed year-round; the only issue is choosing our favourite one.

Natural swimming pools. These pools are yet another attraction of the Canarian geography, and there is a wide variety of them on all the islands. Their whimsical shapes, beauty and the secluded location of some of them make them authentic natural havens where one can stretch out and sunbathe.

The sea. The Canary Islands offer a wide range of boat trips, for travelling between the islands, observing cetaceans or simply visiting different coastal areas. A short boat trip is also an excellent opportunity for visitors to be nourished by the energy of the sun.

The mountains. For people who love the mountains, the archipelago’s numerous trails are also a good place for absorbing sunshine, while enjoying nature in all its splendour.


Spas. As well as the specific treatments available at the numerous spas , these establishments usually include sunning areas, where one can sunbathe after having a relaxing massage.

Evening walks. The sunsets of the Canary Islands are pure magic. Taking a stroll and contemplating the incredible sunset is a great alternative for enjoying the final hours of sunlight of the day.


The Canarian archipelago is a guarantee of sunshine and good weather throughout the year, something that is much appreciated by both residents and visitors.  However, it is a worth bearing in mind certain recommendations and tips to ensure this source of energy does not harm our body, and only brings health.


Avoid sunbathing in the middle of the day. Exposure to the sun between noon and 4 pm is not recommended. The best hours for sunbathing are when the sun’s rays are slanted, i.e. early in the morning or in the late afternoon.

Drink plenty of water and be wary of cloudy days. If hydrating the body is a must for enjoying good health, dehydration is a risk that we should not ignore when enjoying the sun on the islands. We therefore recommend drinking more water or liquids in general when you are exposed to the sun. Moreover, on cloudy days, our skin can still suffer from burns, as ultraviolet rays pass through clouds with ease.

Use of sunscreen before exposure to the sun. It is essential that we always use products that are scientifically proven to be effective, and which have been dermatologically tested. We recommend applying sunscreen at frequent intervals, and using creams with a sun protection factor of High (SPF30 or 50) or Very High (SPF 50+).  Finally, sunscreen should always be replaced from one year to the next, to ensure the product retains its efficiency.


Protect yourself with light clothing, caps or hats. It is a good idea to choose garments with long sleeves and legs, and closed necks, in order to be as well-protected as possible from the sun. Using hats, caps or sunglasses is also advisable, as the face, head and eyes are directly exposed to the sun’s radiation.

Stay in the shade. While stretching out under the sun of the Canary Islands is a pleasure, protecting oneself by seeking out some shade to prevent mishaps is essential. To do so, all we need do is use a sunshade or look for an awning, to enjoy a refreshing beverage with total peace of mind.


The Canary Islands are an ideal setting for enjoying the sun over long seasons, as well as the benefits of the energy exuded by the archipelago, revitalizing mind and body with vitamin D.